Yellow River, Co. Westmeath

Looking further afield to Co. Westmeath @westmeathcoco @opwireland @EPACatchments @EPAIreland I notice the #YellowRiver in the Yellow-Castlepollard sub-catchment is #yellowstatus. Needs a closer look I think...

Lough Lene (just off-centre - brown), Lough Derravarragh in Green. The Yellow River runs between the two lakes and eventually enters Derravaragh.

Bridge over the Yellow River on the main Mullingar Road from Castlepollard, Co. Westmeath

Two small bridges over the Yellow River at Kiltoom, near Tullynally.

The Yellow River has one major tributary which passes under both the Dublin ( at Townparks) and Bratty ( at Kinturk) roads.


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