DCU Mesocosm #4 Moina macrocopa
Moina macrocopa in the DCU Mesocosm
Moina macrocopa (Straus, 1820) from the DCU Mesocosm
Stage 1. Build up stock culture (winter)
These are the critical life parameters, but for hatching the temperature is the most important.
- Food: powdered dried spinach / spirulina powder
- Photoperiod - 14 hours (08:00 hrs - 22:00 hrs)
- pH: optimum = 8
- Temperature curve: max. = 32 deg C, min. = 12 deg C
- Aeration.
Starter cultures of Moina macrocopa, Hylalella azteca, Streptocephalus siamensis (January - March 2021)
Stage 2. Sub-culture and move to laboratory
5 sub-cultures of Moina macrocopa were set up in the chemistry lab in DCU awaiting bought-in carboys for culturing containers.
The same conditions were applied once the equipment was acquired.
Sub-cultures of Moina macrocopa (March, 2021)
Benider, A., 1991. Caractères démographiques de Moina macrocopa en élevage au laboratoire. Influence des conditions trophiques, de la densité de population, du groupement et de la température. Thesis. Fac. Sci. Marrakesh: 75 pp.
Hebert, P. D. N., 1978. The population biology of Daphnia (Crustacea, Daphnidae). Biol. Rev. 53: 387–426.
Horn, W. & H. Horn, 1987. Field studies concerning the fecundity of Daphnia galeata, its causes and consequences. Int. Rev ges. Hydrobiol. 72: 559–573.
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